Friday, January 25, 2013

"N" is for Nests

It was a short week but we tried to  make the most of it. On Wednesday we wrote our names on our Jumbo N, colored eggs and glued them in our big nest on the wall, played with noodles in the sensory table, and read a very funny book called "The Perfect Nest". The children made their own little nests to take home with them. Friday was show and tell and the children were wonderful and patient listeners. We also did painted name reflections and spur of the moment centers as well. Next week we will discover ocean life; please see the report project that was sent home with your student and don't forget to turn in your Family February form! Thank you!
Eggs in a nest

We worked on these torn paper collage strips last week and they are now hanging in our window, cheering things up a bit.

Working hard on his paper sack nest

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Winter Fun and "M" Week

We had a wonderful week discovering winter concepts and the letter M. We brainstormed some great M words ( my favorite being Mumford and Sons!), did some very fun art projects including torn paper collages and melted snowmen, worked really hard in centers on Wednesday, and enjoyed a special visitor! Don't forget that Friday is show and tell and to please sign up for a Family February slot if you're able!
Our special guest reader read us "The Mitten" and had some very fun games to play along with it!

Jumbo M: marshmallow stamping

They loved playing in this corn starch and shaving cream concoction! On Friday, I cleaned it up and replaced it with magnets.

Icy Initials: using spools dipped in paint to trace the first letter of their names

melted snowmen; these are hanging on our bulletin board

exploring letter tiles during centers

Friday, January 11, 2013

L Week was Lovely!

We welcomed in the second half of our school year with a rearranged room, feel free to stop by and see some of the changes; the kids are really enjoying them and I think the room is flowing much better. The kids were so well behaved this week and very good friends to each other, I think we were all ready to be back from break. Here are some pictures of how we explored the letter L!
our new and improved writing workshop area

This sensory table was a huge hit! They were very disappointed to see it gone on Friday.

using crayons on sandpaper for an added sensory experience to their art

our new section of the day: table activity; learning how to follow step by step directions, appropriately  use school supplies, and learning patience

lunch collages

used legos to paint our Jumbo L

letters in the sensory table

lace doilies and play dough

follow up craft to "How Leo Learned to be King"


Not so "mess-free" sponge painting in ziploc bags

wrapping paper collages; we made a Merry Christmas banner out of them

shaving cream

working on some find motor skills: threading beads on to pipe cleaners

Polar Express Party!!
painting hand towels for our parent Christmas gift

giant train coloring sheet for our Polar Express Party
Wow! Where did Christmas go?!? I couldn't tell you now what all we did, but I can tell you that we stayed busy and had a lot of fun! Our Christmas program was very special and the children all did a wonderful job. I was very proud!